Astrological Mala
Astrological Mala / Zodiac Mala are beautifully designed Malas which contain combination of Rudraksha and Gem stones based on Vedic Astrology ( Ascendant ). They have been made keeping in mind the nine planets, their effects and the Gemstone linked to them. These are based on the Sun Signs and is to be worn as per your birth date. This enhances the willpower, confidence, and concentration of the wearer. Thus, help you excel in your business, job, studies, career, relations etc. At the same time they are useful in removing the malefic effects of certain adverse planets in the Horoscope.
Zodiac Malas are made with Gem Stones combination for nine different planets using 9 Gems stones such as Coral / Moonga, Emerald / Panna, Blue Sapphire / Neelam, Golden Topaz, Gomed / Hessonite, Pearl / Moti, Ruby / Manik, Cats Eye and Sphatik / Crystal / Quartz. They are helpful in offering the benefits of fame, wealth, health, happiness, and prosperity.
We can customize these mala according to your need. Please contact us via e mail or Phone.