4 Mukhi Rudraksha as found in various Puranas :
4 faced Rudraksha has four natural lines from head to bottom at equal distance. The power of Brahma exists in its whole effectiveness and Divinity. Being influenced by the creative wisdom of the four headed Lord Brahma, the Four Mukhi Rudraksha gives the wearer the creative power and provides him with learning and knowledge. The dull mined students must wear a Four Mukhi Rudraksha. 4 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is also beneficial to scientists, researchers, intellectuals, artists, writers and journalists. Char Mukhi Bead increases wit and intelligence. If the three beads of four faced Rudraksha are fastened in the right hand nobody can stand to face to the wearer.
In mythology 4 Mukhi Rudraksha bead represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma. Malefic effects of Mercury include intellectual dullness of mind, lack of grasping and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication and also neurotic conditions of mind. The 4 (four) Mukhi also governs logical and concrete and structural thinking.