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This Yantra is one of the most Holy & auspicious Yantra, Gayatri Yantra on Bhoj Patra. Sri Gayatri Yantra helps in enhancing good luck in all paths of life.

Shree Gayatri Yantra

Yantra for Spiritual Power & Peace of Mind.

This Yantra is one of the most Holy & auspicious Yantra, Gayatri Yantra on Bhoj Patra. Sri Gayatri Yantra helps in enhancing good luck in all paths of life.

Mantra - "Om Bhoorbhuvah Swah Tatsyavitur Vareniyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhi Mahi Dhiya Yona Prachodyat".

Meaning - “O God, Thou art the Giver of Life, the Remover of pains and sorrows, The Bestowed of happiness O Creator of the Universe, may we receive Thy Supreme Sin destroying light, May Thou guides our intellect in the Right direction.”

Gayatri is a Mantra, which inspires righteous wisdom. It’s meaning is that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect, which may lead us to righteous path. This is most important teaching. All the problems of a person are solved if he/she is endowed with the gift of righteous wisdom. Having endowed with far-sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled in calamity nor does he tread a wrong path. A wise man finds solution of all outstanding Problems. Only those persons find difficulty that do not know thinking correctly And take wrong steps on account of foolishness. The worship of Gayatri Mantra removes this deficiency. The teachings of and the powers incorporated in Gayatri Mantra, which fulfill this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging no sooner Jap (recitation) of this Mantra is performed.

  • By the regular use of this Yantra, one cannot be affected by souls, spirits and is blessed with health, wealth and happiness.
  • It increases mental and physical strength, cures diseases, protects one from enemies, and is excellent for general well-being.
  • It increases soul power, awakens the spiritual self & brings one closer to his self and God. It also leads a person on to the right path, blesses him with peace, happiness and inner satisfaction.
  • It also ensures overall growth & development of the individual and his family.
  • It also leads a person on to the right path, blesses him with peace, happiness and inner satisfaction.
  • Gayatri Yantra is highly recommended for gaining spiritual power & peace of mind.

Yantra Size : 5.00"x5.00" Inches

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